Octodad grocery store ties
Octodad grocery store ties

octodad grocery store ties

It is surgically filleted Wagyu beef and bright bags of shrimp chips.

octodad grocery store ties

One part artisanal extravaganza, one part sensory overload, these are stores of gleaming aisles and graphically appealing packaging. But Marukai, the SoCal chain that delivers a blast of Japan in a shopping cart, stands in a class of its own. The short-lived Octodad experience is super unique and amusing, occasionally irritating, but overall fun and probably worth checking out.Supermarkets tend to come in one of three flavors: purely functional, attractively middle-class and overblown bougie.


I wanted to completely love Octodad: Dadliest Catch, though it’s sort of a difficult game to wholeheartedly recommend to PS4 owners who don’t know what they’re getting into. The sitcom-style title song and intro is definitely the highlight here. The kids’ voices can grate on your ears after a short time, but the overall voice acting isn’t bad. The game’s audio is a mixed bag, with an amazing theme song created especially for the game and some humorous gurgles and sound effects.


The graphics are colorful and cartoon-like, though other than being output at a 1080p resolution, the game isn’t what you would consider impressive looking. Knocking stuff over and making a huge mess by tossing objects around (hamburgers, axes, dishes, balls, canned goods, etc.) is honestly half the fun. The star of the show obviously is the physics engine which allows Octodad to flail around and interact with nearly everything in the environment. Octodad: Dadliest Catch is a relatively low budget indie game, and visually, it looks like a relatively low budget indie game. The end result is pretty bizarre as you would expect. Young Horses did find a unique way to let players team up to control Octotdad, by allowing them each to move a different set of limbs with additional controllers. Once you play through the story (which is no more than 3 hours long), all that’s left is to find 100% of the hidden ties scattered on each level and clean up some relatively easy trophies. So your mileage may vary in terms of how frustrating/enjoyable you find Octodad. I found my second playthrough of Octodad: Dadliest Catch much more enjoyable than the first, since I had a much better handle on the controls not to mention knowledge of was expected to complete each objective. Some of the tasks assigned to Octodad are legitimately fun and interesting (making coffee, playing arcade games, running up an escalator), though others, such as shambling across some narrow beams or climbing structures can and will touch a nerve. The first time through the game there were some seemingly simple tasks which took me way too long to perform, thus wearing on my patience rather quickly. Soon thereafter, your enjoyment will correspond with how much patience you have with the purposefully imprecise controls. The first few minutes you spend with the game - getting dressed and ready for your wedding - will be hilarious, guaranteed.


The challenge is learning how to walk, pick up items and perform actions using Octodad’s floppy limbs.

octodad grocery store ties

Using the DualShock 4’s analog sticks in conjunction with the analog triggers to actuate Octodad’s tentacles, it’s your goal to work through various everyday scenarios without causing too much attention to yourself. And that’s basically the concept of Dadliest Catch. What makes Octodad so unique is that no one realizes he’s an actual eight-limbed octopus… unless he does something stupid, like getting spotted without clothing or stumbling around excessively in public.

octodad grocery store ties

We’re talking a house, white picket fence, trips to the grocery store, chores, fatherly duties and whatnot. Octodad: Dadliest Catch is the story (yes it has a story) of an octopus who somehow meets a human woman, gets married, has two perfectly human children, and lives a content, normal human life in the suburbs. Though if you’re looking for an offbeat PS4 adventure that shouldn’t suck up too much of your precious gaming time, Octodad: Dadliest Catch may be worth checking out. At times, Octodad is more of an Octopus-pretending-to-be-a-human-simulator than any sort of game you’ve played previously, and it certainly can be a unique, albeit occasionally frustrating, experience. I mean the catchy title alone should be enough of a tip off to tell you that. Octodad: Dadliest Catch isn’t your typical console videogame - not by a long shot.

Octodad grocery store ties